The fashion for surrealism came at the beginning of the twentieth century and does not give up its position, preserving the principles and only occasionally changing its form.The founder of surrealism in painting, ‘the great and terrible’ Salvador Dali, a man of diverse views and interests could not evade the theme of interior design and was the first to implement his ideas in his own interiors.
Among the main principles of surrealism – a combination of incongruous, the use of hypertrophied, unexpected forms and materials.
If you want to design your home in a surreal design, then you need to carefully select all the elements of the interior, otherwise instead of the trend direction, you risk getting a pretentious and ridiculous creation. A professional interior and furniture designer Natalia Elyas will help you not to make mistakes, carefully choosing all the correct components. There are several options for interior design in surrealism:
The entire space is designed in a surreal style – from the ceiling to the door handles. This design is often quickly tiring due to its excess.
Use of surreal details (paintings, panels, sculptures of famous masters of this style) in an ordinary interior. This is quite simple to implement and looks very fresh. For example, when famous photos and paintings of Dali are used in bar design. Here it is important to grasp the fine line between style and vulgarity.
The most popular option among interior designers today is the harmony of paradox. Created within the concept of surrealism, interior objects fit harmoniously into rooms with traditional decoration. The effect of contrast in furniture items, for example, bright sofas with fancy shapes or chairs on small elegant legs with original decor and interior in the style of minimalism or Art Deco.
If you, like the creators of the Color Life workshop, are a fan of surrealism in the interior, then you will find truly like-minded people and helpers to bring all your ideas to life.
Designers Natalia and Janek create real masterpieces in a surreal style to decorate your home.

Any of the famous paintings by Dali, Magritte, Miro, Ernst, photo masterpieces by Shtern, Halsman or Ray will easily become part of your living room in beautiful and stylish pillows, upholstery of chairs or armchairs, design solutions when creating decor elements.
Have no fear of experimenting!