Pop art interiors
Pop art interiors
A usual overcast afternoon, clouds that mix in a uniform gray mass envelope the sky. Wincing at the prickly drops and whistling wind, passers-by pull up their hoods. And it seems that the sun will never be able to break through the layer of this gray plasticine.
And suddenly, in the large panoramic window of the Color Life Studio, you see it. A pink armchair with a bright comic book pattern on the back, turquoise inserts on the sides, and a black-and-white frame. You can’t take your eyes off this work of art.
Imagine yourself in the armchair, with your legs crossed and a cup of freshly brewed Arabica in hand. You have already chosen a place for it in your apartment, where it will always be in sight, beckoning you with a soft velvet surface and giving you joy every day, even the gray one.
Meet our ’Pop art’ chair from the latest collection, made using the pop art style.
Jalustrabav värvirohkus, ebastandardne ja teravmeelne pilk asjadele, mäss traditsioonide ja reeglite vastu, ilutulestikuraketi plahvatav efekt ja vau-emotsioonid. Need kõik on Pop Arti erijooned – visuaalkunsti suundumus, mille motiivid iseloomustasid tarbijaühiskonna igapäevaseid tooteid. Aja jooksul laienes see kunstisuund ka teistesse eluvaldkondadesse.
Epatage, an abundance of colours, non-standard and witty view of things, rebellion against traditions and rules, the effect of exploding firecrackers and wow-emotions. All these are distinctive features of pop art – a trend in visual art, where products of everyday consumption are used as the main image. Over time, pop art moved into other areas of life.
Furniture, accessories or overall interior design in this style makes it possible to go beyond stereotypes, express freedom of thought, creative impulse and flight of imagination. Due to the fact that pop art uses bright colours, comics, posters, it is very popular with children.
For example, our chairs ’Veronica yellow’ and ’Veronica pink’ will perfectly fit into the room of a little Princess, creating an atmosphere of the fairy-tale world of Alice in Wonderland and secret adventures.
At the same time, this chair will be a great gift for a young modern girl, impressing her with its romance and sophistication.
Armchairs with eyes, a chest of drawers with lips, an ear on the wall, and Dali in the fireplace. This is only part of what you can see and buy in our Studio. Once you get into Color Life, you won’t be the same. You begin to come back to us constantly for bright colours and new purchases.